SpaceTime and Art Home Home Cards Home Cards dontSearch false Bg Pict :PHYSSIZE card title sharedText false textHeightProp bkgnd field id 180 sharedText false textHeightProp New Buttono New Button New Button buttonUp buttonUp showNameProp false buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp but doesn't erase screen -- so some may be confused Jframe seen still appearing xempty QTMovie Direct, --on openStack Lversion result l: " & v --QT Logo Placeholder-> comment out call the --QT permission obtained: --QTPict : " & v versions card 1 --buildPopUp OpenMovie, Plain, "Old Space Title ( [, loadIntoRam, noController, dontPaintWhite, closeOnFinish OpenStack --function ZeroRect r subtract on openCard buildPopup on newCard menuItems repeat fi = 1 cards short & "," delete Home Cards dontSearch false Bg Pict :PHYSSIZE card title sharedText false textHeightProp bkgnd field id 180 sharedText false textHeightProp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp marked false HyperCard Click on icons below to read about the spacetime concepts and phenomena and their importance for the arts. Page Pict :PHYSSIZE TeamInfo --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: hc_Hide buttonUp buttonUp hc_Hide textHeightProp The HyperCard Stack Design Team Robin Shank Jim Palmer Gary Bond Marge Boots Jeffrey Herman Jerome Domurat Mike Holm Robertson Smith Sean Cotter Stef Jones Jay Hodgdon Sarah Clark (Click this field to hide it.) :PHYSSIZE &@xyP :PHYSSIZE toward the 21st cent. :PHYSSIZE toward to 21st cent. 8"\pc\reftexts\pntsofvw\to21Cent.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\reftexts\pntsofvw\to21Cent.tbk showNameProp dimensions of space 8"\pc\reftexts\pntsofvw\dimspace.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\reftexts\pntsofvw\dimspace.tbk showNameProp dimensions of space spacetime & the artse spacetime & the arts 8"\pc\reftexts\pntsofvw\st_arts.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\reftexts\pntsofvw\st_arts.tbk showNameProp questions of time 8"\pc\reftexts\pntsofvw\Q_ofTime.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\reftexts\pntsofvw\Q_ofTime.tbk showNameProp questions of time :PHYSSIZE marked false Click on the icons below to see the introduction, run through the image preview or to check the references ToolBooks. Page Pict :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE organizations publications[ :PHYSSIZE UUUU* UUUU* UUUU* UUUU* UUUU* UUQQ* UUQA* UUQa* organizations 8"\pc\reftexts\sta_refs\organiza.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\reftexts\sta_refs\organiza.tbk showNameProp publications 8"\pc\reftexts\sta_refs\publicat.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\reftexts\sta_refs\publicat.tbk showNameProp picture preview :PHYSSIZE PICTure preview 8"\pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\pixprevw. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\pixprevw.tbk showNameProp graphics introduction :PHYSSIZE graphics introduction 8"\pc\intro.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\intro.tbk showNameProp SpaceTime and Art Home astronomer's views marked false Click on the buttons below to navigate to the ToolBooks that explain the pictures in these categories. Page Pict :PHYSSIZE Voyager views :PHYSSIZE Voyager views 8"\pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\voyager. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\voyager.tbk showNameProp earth views :PHYSSIZE earth views 8"\pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\earthvws. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\earthvws.tbk showNameProp artist's views :PHYSSIZE fantasy views :PHYSSIZE fantasy views -- picture "virtual planetoids", resource, b, deepest -- wait 2 -- close 8"\pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\spacefan. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\spacefan.tbk showNameProp mini PIX viewswsI :PHYSSIZE mini PICTs views 8"\pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\mini_vws. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\mini_vws.tbk showNameProp artist's views 8"\pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\artvws. buttonUp buttonUp \pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\artvws.tbk showNameProp :PHYSSIZE astronos views artist's views 8"\pc\movies\astronom.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\movies\astronom.tbk showNameProp buttonUp \pc\_sta_pix\sta_tbks\mini_vws.tbk publications 8"SpaceTime Art:texts references: sources:publications" buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:texts and references:references and sources:publications showNameProp ToTop New Button showNameProp :PHYSSIZE New Button --on mouseUp tcard New Button showNameProp :PHYSSIZE New Button Bg Pict --on mouseUp scriptState HyperTalk :PHYSSIZE cvtitInfo Created by: ConvertIt! v1.5 Creation date: 9/17/92 STA navigator/ 4PC scriptState HyperTalk Tms Rmn System Tms Rmn ! $AJ l/{" &@@ D (@B$A &@B$@ Home Cards dontSearch false scriptState HyperTalk scriptState HyperTalk false card title textHeightProp sharedText false bkgnd field id 180 textHeightProp sharedText false false New Button showNameProp :PHYSSIZE New Button marked false The following pages each have icons representing ToolBooks that contain texts, reference materials, direct previewing access to the image files and explanations pertaining to the different types of image files and subjects. - click on the arrow pointer below to go to the next card. - click on the icons on the cards for instant access to the desired ToolBook Page Pict :PHYSSIZE instant access to the desired ToolBooks. The following pages each have icons representing ToolBooks that contain texts, reference materials, direct previewing access to the image files and explanations pertaining to the different types of image files and subjects. - click on the arrow pointer below to go to the next card. - click on the icons on the cards for instant access to the desired ToolBook Home Cards dontSearch false Bg Pict :PHYSSIZE card title sharedText false textHeightProp bkgnd field id 180 sharedText false textHeightProp Voyager views --ConvertIt!: no conversion HyperCard Picture Windows, try another ToolBook instance: -- HyperTalk: picture "Voyager sample pictures", resource, , hc_Visible, deepest named windows, tances: mulitple econtrol -- ximplemented close 8"SpaceTime :PICTs: 's views intro" buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:pictures:PICTs:Voyager's views intro showNameProp astronomer's views :PHYSSIZE astronomer's views Home Cards dontSearch false Bg Pict :PHYSSIZE card title sharedText false textHeightProp bkgnd field id 180 sharedText false textHeightProp fantasy views :PHYSSIZE fantasy views -- picture "virtual planetoids", resource, b, deepest -- wait 2 -- close 8"SpaceTime Art:pictures:PICTs: fantasy views intro" buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:pictures:PICTs:space fantasy views intro showNameProp mini PICTs views :PHYSSIZE mini PICTs views --ConvertIt!: no conversion HyperCard Picture Windows, try another ToolBook instance: -- HyperTalk: picture "Sample virtual planets", resource, , hc_Visible, deepest named windows, tances: mulitple econtrol -- ximplemented close 8"SpaceTime Art:pictures:PICTs:mini intro" buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:pictures:PICTs:mini PICTs intro showNameProp buildReportBook Click on icons below to read about the spacetime concepts and phenomena and their importance for the arts. --ConvertIt!: the following Ucould xbe translated ( ^names): -- HyperTalk: Small Home 2Version 1.0 \Copyright 1989,1990 HApple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved THE MESSAGE HANDLERS USED IN THIS SCRIPT: ,getHomeInfo,resume,createTheMenus,help,hyperTalk nav,c,b,s,mw,vw,se,ss,xy,disallowInterruption, setUserLevelFive,restoreUserLevel,searchScript,checkForMissingFonts homeMenuItems,homeMenuMsgs,lastHCItem,checkHCFont XCMD'S -- The handlers were added are necessary -- support scripts hc_Hide objectSpecifier " && " && 9 && " myObject") " && hc_Visible theVis hc_Hide hc_Visible hc_Visible hc_Hide menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group myObject objectSpecifier hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group Domurat Mike Holm Robertson Smith Sean Cotter Stef Jones Jay Hodgdon Sarah Clark (Click this field to hide it.) :PHYSSIZE &@xyP dimensions of space 8"SpaceTime Art:texts references:points view:dimensions buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:texts and references:points of view:dimensions of space showNameProp questions of time :PHYSSIZE questions of time 8"SpaceTime Art:texts references:points view:questions buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:texts and references:points of view:questions of time showNameProp toward to 21st cent.) :PHYSSIZE cvtitInfo Created by: ConvertIt! v1.5 Creation date: 9/17/92 STA Navigator scriptState HyperTalk Tms Rmn System symbolTable bgIDList 15,15 Tms Rmn round_field,1,7,24,0 background_field,2,180,16,1 background_button,1,178,normal,2 background_button,2,179,normal,9 card,1,2516,0 card_button,1,1,normal,0 card,2,5699,1 card_button,1,1,normal,0 card_button,2,2,normal,7 card_button,3,3,normal,14 card_button,4,4,normal,21 card,4,8741,2 card_button,1,1,normal,0 card_button,2,2,normal,7 card_button,3,3,normal,14 card_button,4,4,normal,21 card_button,5,5,normal,28 card_button,6,8,normal,35 background,2,4463,1 background_field,1,7,24,0 background_field,2,180,16,1 background_button,1,178,normal,2 background_button,2,179,normal,9 card,3,5078,3 card_field,1,211,16,0 card_button,1,226,normal,1 card_button,2,227,normal,8 card_button,3,228,normal,15 card_button,4,229,normal,22 resFactors Created by: ConvertIt! v1.5 DLL Version: 1.5 of Apr 28 1992 11:33:15 Creation date: 9/17/92 hc_Hide objectSpecifier " && " && : && " myObject") " && hc_Visible theVis enterBook hc_Hide hc_Visible hc_Visible enterBook sizeToPage hc_Hide menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group myObject objectSpecifier hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group pc\intro.tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \pc\intro.tbk showNameProp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:texts and references:references and sources:publications showNameProp " -- -- cause be updated " && theString,theContainer xfound, so ! $AJ l/{" cvtitInfo Created by: ConvertIt! v1.5 Creation date: 9/17/92 STA Navigator scriptState HyperTalk Tms Rmn System symbolTable bgIDList 15,15 Tms Rmn round_field,1,7,24,0 background_field,2,180,16,1 background_button,1,178,normal,2 background_button,2,179,normal,9 card,1,2516,0 card_button,1,1,normal,0 card,2,5699,1 card_button,1,1,normal,0 card_button,2,2,normal,7 card_button,3,3,normal,14 card_button,4,4,normal,21 card,4,8741,2 card_button,1,1,normal,0 card_button,2,2,normal,7 card_button,3,3,normal,14 card_button,4,4,normal,21 card_button,5,5,normal,28 card_button,6,8,normal,35 background,2,4463,1 background_field,1,7,24,0 background_field,2,180,16,1 background_button,1,178,normal,2 background_button,2,179,normal,9 card,3,5078,3 card_field,1,211,16,0 card_button,1,226,normal,1 card_button,2,227,normal,8 card_button,3,228,normal,15 card_button,4,229,normal,22 resFactors Created by: ConvertIt! v1.5 DLL Version: 1.5 of Apr 28 1992 11:33:15 Creation date: 9/17/92 2Version 1.0 \Copyright 1989,1990 HApple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved THE MESSAGE HANDLERS USED IN THIS SCRIPT: ,getHomeInfo,resume,createTheMenus,help,hyperTalk nav,c,b,s,mw,vw,se,ss,xy,disallowInterruption, setUserLevelFive,restoreUserLevel,searchScript,checkForMissingFonts homeMenuItems,homeMenuMsgs,lastHCItem,checkHCFont XCMD'S marked false HyperCard Click on icons below to read about the spacetime concepts and phenomena and their importance for the arts.U Page Pict :PHYSSIZE TeamInfo --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: hc_Hide buttonUp buttonUp hc_Hide textHeightProp The HyperCard Stack Design Team Robin Shank Jim Palmer Gary Bond Marge Boots Jeffrey Herman Jerome Domurat Mike Holm Robertson Smith Sean Cotter Stef Jones Jay Hodgdon Sarah Clark (Click this field to hide it.) spacetime and the arts} :PHYSSIZE spacetime and the arts 8"SpaceTime Art:texts references:points view:spacetime the arts" buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:texts and references:points of view:spacetime and the arts | showNameProp dimensions of space :PHYSSIZE &@xyP dimensions of space 8"SpaceTime Art:texts references:points view:dimensions buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:texts and references:points of view:dimensions of space showNameProp questions of time :PHYSSIZE questions of time 8"SpaceTime Art:texts references:points view:questions buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:texts and references:points of view:questions of time showNameProp toward to 21st cent.) :PHYSSIZE toward to 21st cent. 8"SpaceTime Art:texts references:points view:toward the 21st century" buttonUp buttonUp SpaceTime and Art:texts and references:points of view:toward the 21st century showNameProp nnnnn nnnnn ~~}}||{{zzyyxxwwvvuuttssrrqqppoonnmmllkkjjiihhggffeeddccbbaa``__^^]]\\[[ZZYYXXWWVVUUTTSSRRQQPPOONNMMLLKKJJIIHHGGFFEEDDCCBBAA@@??>>==<<;;::99887766554433221100//..--,,++**))((''&&%%$$##""!! ~~}}||{{zzyyxxwwvvuuttssrrqqppoonnmmllkkjjiihhggffeeddccbbaa``__^^]]\\[[ZZYYXXWWVVUUTTSSRRQQPPOONNMMLLKKJJIIHHGGFFEEDDCCBBAA@@??>>==<<;;::99887766554433221100//..--,,++**))((''&&%%$$##""!! ~~}}||{{zzyyxxwwvvuuttssrrqqppoonnmmllkkjjiihhggffeeddccbbaa``__^^]]\\[[ZZYYXXWWVVUUTTSSRRQQPPOONNMMLLKKJJIIHHGGFFEEDDCCBBAA@@??>>==<<;;::99887766554433221100//..--,,++**))((''&&%%$$##""!! }zl\QLHG